It’s something we’ve all heard before but this time make no mistake we mean it - this election will be the most election we cast our votes in for years to come.
The Westminster system has failed Scotland, and Scotland’s voice has been disregarded throughout the Brexit process. At this election we must make sure that Scotland's voice is heard loud and clear.
With so much at stake, this will be one of the most important elections in Scotland’s history. The SNP will put Scotland’s opposition to Brexit and our right to choose our own future as an independent nation at the heart of that contest.
Student votes are vital to securing the highest number of SNP MP’s possible in this election and the Tories know that. That’s why they’ve tried (and admitted to) trying to stop people voting.
We cannot let them restrict our democracy to fuel their own agenda.
But how do we stop them?
Well the first thing you can do is register to vote at - even if you are already registered it’s worth checking you’re still on the electoral register to guarantee your voice is heard in these elections.
Next sign up for a postal vote - you’ll be hearing a lot over this election about how students can register to vote at their term time address and their home address - well applying for a postal vote makes it easier to do that.
However, it is important you only vote in one constituency - so it’s up to you to decide which one you vote in.
Signing-up for a postal vote is quick and secure and you can do so here:
Alternatively, you can contact your local Electoral Registration Office and ask them to post a form to you.
When registering for a postal vote, you fill in a form with your name, address, date of birth and how long you want the postal vote for — just for one election, until a specified date, or permanently.
A few days before the election on Thursday 12 December you will receive your postal ballot — all you need to do is follow the instructions, fill out the ballot paper stick the supplied envelope in a post box.
Your local council will verify that all postal votes have been correctly filled out at a Postal Vote Opening Session. Agents from all registered political interests are invited to attend and observe these sessions, making sure that everything is fair and above board.
But most importantly, however you do it - make sure you vote.