We the Young Scots for Independence and SNP Students would like to congratulate all of Scotland’s young people for their achievements in this year's SQA qualifications.
Young people across Scotland have achieved outstanding results in unprecedented circumstances and should be very proud of themselves.
We would also like to thank our teachers; lecturers and schools and colleges for their efforts and hard work. We are truly grateful for the work you all have done to make sure Scotland’s young people achieve the qualifications they hoped for.
Both our organisations share the concerns of many teachers, young people and parents regarding the SQA’s method for awarding final grades.
We believe that adjusting a young person’s grade due to their school’s previous performance has led to unintentionally disadvantaging pupils from historically poorer performing schools.
There is evidence that the attainment gap in Scotland is narrowing, but there is still much more work to be done and we feel that the SQA process for finalising grades this year will be a massive step backwards which will deeply impact many young people from working class communities for years to come.
Therefore, we are calling for the SQA to throughly explain their grading process, specifically how it has impacted pupils from historically poorer performing schools, and, to work with the Scottish Government along with local authorities to put in place a robust, accessible and fair appeal process.